... at this very moment I was holding my newborn baby boy and my little Jackson was surrounded by friends and family welcoming him into his first day on Earth.
It's hard to believe that that was only a year ago and at the same time that it has already been a year. While I can't remember much of how things were without our little boy, it still seems like just yesterday we were anxiously awaiting his arrival.
The past year has been full of so many great memories and so many learning experiences. Jackson has grown so much. We've celebrated his first smile, his first turn onto his belly, sleeping through the night, his "talking", the first "mama" and "dada", rice cereal, baby food, sitting up, his first tooth all the way up to his eighth tooth, his army crawl, and after seemingly forever, his real crawl. We've recently celebrated him standing, his first few steps to Justin or I, his lovely stair climbing and just this past Friday, his first real walking experience all on his own. And now, today, his FIRST birthday, his first celebration of his life up until now.
Jackson has not ceased to amaze me at how fast he grows and how quickly he learns. He is picking up words like Ball (bah), Bye Bye (buh buh), MaMa, DaDa, Doggie (Daw-dy), Bird (Bir), Hi Baby ( Hi BeBe), Uh Oh, PopPop and so on. He has many tricks, his favorites being high five, clapping, blowing kisses, so big, and yum yum (you say yum yum and he rubs his belly). He has also learned where Jackson's nose is, where Mommy's nose is and where Doggy's nose is and now we are working on mouth and ear. Jackson has become quite the little swimmer, paddling hard and fast with fury and excitement. His personality has become so distinct- such a sweet, happy, loving boy with oh such an attitude too, haha. He has learned to love his big four legged brothers, sometimes a little too much, but he is also a gentle boy giving kisses just because and snuggling up with a sweet smile on his face. Jackson has also learned to share which he demostrated so well tonight feeding his big piece of birthday cake to Mommy, Daddy and MomMom.
Jackson has truly become my absolute everything. I know we parents always say that. And we are always used to hearing it too. But until you're there, rocking your baby to sleep, just you and him with his lullabies playing and his eyes heavy with dreams and you're staring at this beautiful little person who needs you, trusts you and loves you endlessly, - until you've reached that point, you never realize just how true that saying is. Jackson has filled our hearts with so much joy and love. He has made the little constant daily problems non-existent and has focused our lives on the things that make life worth it. And it's funny to think that it won't be until he has reached this same point in his own life that he will understand just how much he has changed us and impacted our lives.
Jackson Scott: I love you endlessly. You are truly my world, my everything. I long to hold you and see your smile when I'm away, even if just for a few hours, and I thank God for every moment I spend with you. This past year has been the best year of my life and I am so excited to watch you grow and to be a part of the person that you will become. I pray that we lead you in the right direction and give you everything you need to have the best, most fulfilled life possible. Happy Birthday Baby Boy. May these special days last forever. We Love You.
(Celebrating Jackson's 1st Birthday at the Baltimore Aquarium)
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